Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Paper number 3

The essay that I am going to revise for our final paper is essay two. For me, it was just easier to write about the second topic that I chose rather than the first. My second essay was already long enough for the rewrite too, so I only need to change a few things in it to make it better. I feel overall, that my second paper was better too. I am going to try to make the thesis more specific which will help make my body paragraphs shorter and less like nonsense. I am also going to add in more transitional phrases into my paragraphs to make it flow better. Another important thing to make my paper better is working on the topic sentences and the ending sentences. If I make them stronger, then the paper will sound more intelligible. I am also thinking about changing the layout of my paper entirely which goes along with making a stronger thesis. If I make it simpler it would be easier to follow and to understand what argument I’m trying to make. I will also make sure to make an original title because I completely forgot to do it for essay two. 

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